
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Treat, Treat, Treat, What About Cure?

What happened to the four letter word "Cure" it's been deleted from the medical systems vocabulary. If you pay close attention to drug commercials or Discovery Health shows you will find the word "Treatment" in almost every sentence. Back in the 1950"s the AMA made a vow not to cure, but treat all diseases going forward. Everyone knows the reason, money and that's the way it is. This also holds true in research monies. This is why some diseases attract researchers more than others because of the money funnel.

So as a average person how do we cope with a system that only treats and has less time than it takes to eat a burger to address our health care needs? You make a choice, a decision on what you want. Some people are very content with the service they receive or maybe they just gave up and accept it as the way it is. Some people have enough money to buy the higher level of care and don't have to worry about the restrictions of HMO and the likes. Maybe you work in the government and can vote yourself the best medical coverage tax money can buy or maybe your like me.

I'm a little rebellious when it comes to my health and I find it hard to swallow that in most cases nature hasn't provided the cure for us. I also have spent several years researching health for myself. This was for survival since I had became very ill without reason and spending two years constantly in the medical systems structure. The system is just overloaded. I realized quickly I better double check the things they gave me which led to constant research on my part. On a few occasions I caught them giving me conflicting prescriptions verified by other doctors. The scary thing is how many people even check?

I saw and heard things that made me even more cautious, but I have to thank them because I would have never gained the knowledge I have today if not for there blunders. Make no mistake health is a ongoing process, but I know there is a ton of information for us to attack illnesses naturally. In my case once I found the cause I could then work on the cure and this can work for you.

When I developed this business I wondered who would go through what I did to learn about health? The answer was not many so that's when I decided to bring it to a simplified form.

It pretty much boils down to this, the medical system needs you sick to make money and I need you healthy to make money. It's like the old oil filter commercial pay now or pay more later. What ever you decide you are stuck with your body unfortunately we can't trade it in for a new one.

As we always say One Life - One Body

Drug Intervention Begins With You

Help family members and friends get off drugs and regain their lives. It will never be easier than it is now. There are marvelous professionals to assist along the way, but you must take the first step. Step beyond your personal discouragement, your personal skills and your personal embarrassment. Reach out to those who need you. Accept assistance from those who can help.

If you are the one with a substance abuse problem (or the friend or family member), realize;

Those who promote and sell drugs will tell you that drugs expand your mind. What happened to your grades, education and success after the alleged mind expansion? Drug promoters tell kids to get out from under the control of their parents and be free from control, but after the drugs they are in the control of their supplier. Dealers praise the intelligence of those they can manipulate. Those who think for themselves, they call stupid. Ironically many forfeit their natural intelligence for flattery. They forfeit their freedom for acceptance and friendship, while their own inner wisdom knows that no true friend would ask such a sacrifice.

The dealer is fishing. The user is hooked. The dealer was never a friend. The user is a commodity the dealer makes money on. The user is dispensable, without value beyond the money. If he had a greater value the dealer never would have led him into the drugs. The dealer has little personal value for anyone. His thinking is messed up. He has no use for people he cannot use.

There are two kinds of highs in life, those we experience through the challenges of personal achievement and those we experience through flirting with destruction. They take us in opposite directions.

When we have no personal motivation we seek fulfillment through someone or something outside our selves, outside of our capacity, ability or effort. The low road is easy but easy soon becomes self defeating because it caters to our weaknesses and they increase.

The high road requires that we face our challenges. It draws upon our strengths and they increase. Life is a challenge, not a threat. The sooner we realize that the easier it will be.
It takes courage to quite being a pawn in someone else's drug mill. It takes courage to take on your personal challenges and save yourself. It takes personal strength to live your life for your own talent, your own dreams and the things you really want to do, create and learn, because it's your life, not some one else's. Embrace who you really are. You are worth it.

Family and friends, give guidance, not services. Build confidence in recognizing better qualities, don't cater to weaknesses. Share your real feelings with those you assist. Tell them how it hurts to see them self destruct, forfeit their dreams their future and their health. Tell them about your pain in loosing what they are to you and the joy that they used to be in your life. Lift them up with your love. Uphold them in your emotion of caring. Don't judge them, condemn them or push them down further. That will not help.

Love is caring about his independence, not his laundry. Love is getting him in control of his own life, not leaning on drugs, not leaning on you, and not leaning at all. Self control is not manipulation of others. Care, don't carry. Uplift, don't excuse.

Intervention as a family is powerful. Do it now. The further it goes the harder it gets. If you can do it while he's still in school, while the school councilors assist you, you could prevent it from escalating. If you can keep him out of the legal system it will be much easier.

Don't pretend the problem will solve itself while you wait. On his eighteenth birthday you could discover that you have no right to choose his care, insist on council or over ride his decisions. If he's lost control of his life and direction and he's still in your home, the problem can become a crisis. The best odds of turning a life around are through intervention, early or late.

Rebecca Kimbel is an author, renowned public speaker and writer for several newspapers. To learn more about drug prevention, protecting your family and your way of life, visit

Help With Drug Addiction at Anonymous Meetings - My Experience

If you are trying to decide if you should go to a recovery meeting, stop thinking and just go. As they say in Recovery if you think you dont need a meeting that is when you need one the most. When I was a teenager I was introduced to Narcotics Anonymous. I did not think I had a problem I was just having fun like everyone else. I didn't realize I had lost trust from friends and family because of my lifestyle. I made excuses for myself.

Drugs are really never the reason for your problems. Your problems are a result of not dealing with issues and feelings that you have (which has probably led to drugs/alcohol).

Life seems to go so fast and most people really never take the time to get to know themselves and why they do the things they do. NA or AA is not a place where people get together to convince one another to stop using drugs. NA is a place where you learn the tools to deal with your problems and take the time to get to know yourself.

The 12 Steps of NA/AA are so simple and you may think you can read them and know all the answers. People at NA/AA spend weeks or months on every step. The very first step is "We admitted we were powerless over our addiction that our lives had become unmanageable."

The 12 step program was actually based on the Beatitudes in the Bible. It says "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

The first step simply means "I need help- I cant do it alone."

The secret is simple we must discover our soft spot, our weak link, our ignorant area and we must become "poor in spirit", humble our attitude, acknowledge our weakness and ask for help.

Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous are such great programs. I do not regret my past, afterall it brought me to Meetings.

How to Stop Smoking Marijuana - Self Hypnosis For Marijuana Addiction

If you are ready to stop smoking marijuana there are many paths you can take to get that help. Overcoming addiction to any drug though is not something that is advisable to do on your own. You need some sort of support system in place in order to successfully stop smoking marijuana and move on to more productive pursuits in your life.

Quitters Really Do Sometimes Win

One of the first things you need to do when you are ready to stop smoking marijuana is overcome the negative connotations associated with quitting. Once you've stopped smoking pot you will find that there are many experiences that your addiction to weed robbed you of. It's actually liberating in this instance to quit and overcome the bonds of addiction.

Eliminate Denial in Order to Stop Smoking Marijuana

One of the most difficult things to do is to realize the toll that smoking pot is taking on your life. There are many excuses you will come up with along the way to try and convince yourself that you do not need to stop smoking marijuana. The truth is that none of these are valid when compared to the many benefits that go along with stopping today.

Smoking weed may not make you a raging maniac, this drug works in other ways. It literally steals away your motivation. Can you imagine the improvement of your status in life if you simply stop smoking marijuana for good? If you are ready to take that important step and regain control of your life there are some tools that can help you overcome your addiction.

NLP and Marijuana Addictions

Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) work to change the way your body reacts to addiction. This helps you stop smoking marijuana because you learn to overcome the things that trigger your need to smoke pot as well as the temptation that smoking pot presents.

NLP works within your mind to overcome these things instead of putting you at war with your mind. When you become aware of the things that trigger your need for weed, you can move past them and take the first real steps necessary to stop smoking marijuana once and for all.

It is never easy to overcome addictions-even with help. NLP and hypnotherapy, when used to assist you though, can be extremely important tools for making your efforts to stop smoking marijuana much less difficult by restoring your control over your mind and making the pains of withdrawal much more manageable.

If you are struggling with drug addictions, help is close at hand. You do not need to struggle with your addictions alone. Even better though, through NLP you can get the help you need to stop smoking marijuana without burdening friends and family with your addiction. However, the support of friends and family can make the NLP treatment process even more effective when it comes to helping you stop smoking marijuana for good.

J J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Stop Smoking Marijuana - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for curing marijuana addiction in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Drug Addictions Help, by experienced hypnotherapist Duncan McColl.

Get Rid of Cellulite the Natural Way

When it comes to excess fat in the body, many women are ashamed or embarrassed about the problem. They fail to realize that cellulite plagues many others, and it's not always due to overeating. A poor diet and a lack of exercise are probably the two greatest culprits, and there are also other potential causes. The good news is cellulite can be treated naturally, without expensive surgeries and without anti-cellulite creams and medicines.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the term used for fatty deposits and other material that are trapped in pockets just beneath the skin. Cellulite appears as dimples or bumps in the skin, usually seen around the buttocks, hips, and thighs. It is caused by poor lymphatic drainage, poor circulation, fluid retention, a sedentary lifestyle, hormones, and a lack of water in the body. When strands of connective tissue (that attach skin to muscles) pull tight where a lot of fat is present, this causes fatty areas to appear lumpy with a look often compared to cottage cheese.

Cellulite Removal Tips

If you want to get rid of cellulite naturally, there are numerous steps you can take. Sure you could opt for a medical cellulite treatment such as liposuction in which the fat is surgically removed. But unfortunately, this type of cellulite removal can be dangerous to your health in worse ways than the cellulite itself. You could also try intense cellulite massages, but massages may only work temporarily.

The best way to combat the problem of cellulite is to reduce and prevent it at the source. For starters, change your eating habits. Opt for more organic foods and reduce your intake of processed foods. Try to consume more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods. Avoid too many trans fatty acids and saturated fats, and choose the "healthy" fats such as nuts or lean meat. Drink plenty of water daily to keep your body hydrated.

Another way to keep cellulite from showing its ugly head is to increase daily activity and exercise. Nowadays, many Americans are sedentary at work and in their lifestyle thanks to computers and home entertainment. If you have a desk job or any job where movement is limited to a few trips to the bathroom a day, then you will need to exercise much more than someone with an active job.

Start a daily exercise routine in which you can exercise in the morning, on your break at work, and at least 30 minutes during the evening hours. During your break at work, you might be able to walk or jog around the building or even in the hallways if you work in a large office complex. Walking is great exercise and it gives your heart a non-strenuous workout as well.

Plan to engage in some fun physical activities or games with your family at least several times per week. This will help your entire family to stay in shape! If you live alone, get a pet dog and commit to walk the dog at least one hour per day. Or, join a local gym so you can workout using high quality equipment.

Educate yourself about cellulite treatment and reduction. You can learn a great deal about cellulite removal in books such as "The Cellulite Cure" and use the Internet to gather other helpful information. Getting rid of cellulite is not easy, but with consistency, you'll be able to watch your cellulite slowly disappear.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Tips for Natural Cellulite Removal

Top 4 Perfumes For Health

Fragrance is more than just smelling good. Scents are more than aesthetic. They enhance your health and well being. Here are 4 such fragrances to look out for.

1. Lavender

During the plague, lavender flowers were worn to keep the germs away. One might brush that off as superstition, but in reality, lavender does have antibacterial properties. It was shown to have some antibacterial activity against e coli. When tubercolosis plagued France, those who worked in lavender fields, who inhaled the scent of lavender, were less likely to succumb to tubercolosis. Lavender fragrance, (the real thing) is a healthy scent that protects one, to some extent from disease-causing bacteria.

Lavender is antiviral too. It contains Beta-Caryophyllene which displays antiviral properties.

One way to make use of this is to enjoy the scent of lavender in your home through lavender room sprays. You can enjoy the clean, sweet scent of lavender in bath and body products perfumed with lavender to improve your over wellbeing. A bonus is lavender's well known effect on helping one relax and to drain the stress away.

2. Rose
Rose is popular in so many womens perfumes for its exquisite floral scent. Did you know it has antiviral properties too? It contains Citronellol which is antiviral. Actually, rose oil has so many components, not all of them have been identified in the lab yet. Rose is a relaxing fragrance that is feminine and which is associated with romance. Actually, it is regarded as an aphrodisiac to set the mood for romance. It also eases depression and soothes irritability. Basically, the scent of rose can enhance a person's well being.

Scents help in total wellness.

3. Lemon
Lemon is antibacterial. That is why you see it in so many cleaning products. It smells fresh and clean. On top of that, the scent of lemon stimulates white blood cells to fight off infections, thereby boosting your immune system.

4. Neroli
Neroli a sister of bergamot, coming from the flower instead of fruit of the bitter orange tree, is one of the most highly prized scents in perfumery. It is one of the costliest. It relaxes and calms a person and promotes a sense of confidence.

So spritz on your favourite perfume. It would do you good.

Here's the original article about healthy perfumes

You can find these and more gorgeous scents from

Organic Certified Vitamin Products

Using organic certified vitamin products is one of the easiest, most efficient ways that you can help protect your health. If you cook with organic foods, then it just makes sense to use organic vitamin supplements, as well. You can find organic vitamins in your local health foods stores, or you can order the vitamins online. Right now, you can learn about organic vitamins, and which benefits will help you become as healthy as you can be.

Benefits of Organic Products

The main benefit of using organic products is that you are helping to keep harmful additives and chemicals out of your body, but there are also other benefits that make using organic a good idea. Organic certified vitamin products are more cost-efficient, for example, since there is a higher quantity of the vitamin in the product rather than additives.

Fewer additives means that the product will be purer, and easier for your body to use. Even if purchasing organic means paying a little more, you will be getting more of the product and fewer chemicals for every dollar. Not only will you have a more potent product, you will also have an easily digested product that will provide the health benefits you want, without the extra chemical additives.

Finding Organic Vitamins

You probably won't find organic vitamins at your local grocery or discount store, so you will need to find a local or online health food shop to purchase your organic vitamins from. If you are purchasing your vitamin supplements online, make sure that you are using a reputable dealer to ensure the contents of the products are truly organic.

It may be somewhat easier to find truly organic supplements if you shop locally, but in many cases it is impossible to find organic supplements in your local area. If you do have a local health food store, you can look for labels that clearly state that the product is organic. If it is not on the label, then it is probably not organic.

What To Look For

Vitamins that are not organic often contain large amounts of pesticides, toxins and heavy metals. When you are planning on purchasing organic vitamins, do some research before you select the brand you want to use. You can make sure that the company re-tests each of their vitamin supplements regularly for consistent vitamin amounts and for pollutants.

If you have doubts about the vitamin products, then look for another brand. It is important that, when you are following an organic diet, the products you use are of the highest organic quality and have been tested to ensure their composition is organic and effective.

Organic certified vitamin products may not be easy to find, but it is definitely worth the effort for you and your family's health and well-being to find all natural products.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about organic certified vitamin products, please visit Beauty and Health Store for current articles and discussions.

Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Fast With Aerobics

Aerobics in the global arena are known as the one of the most effective exercises to lose the additional burden of weight. What is more to the performers it is regarded as one of the fastest possible ways to lose weight and according to them it can done in a very easy manner. Well, they may be the easiest ones but you shall have to be consistent in the applications. If you try to snub its importance and act casually, you will never be able to accomplish your objective.

What should be the steps and how can you move on? It is best if you go for the high impact aerobics from the commencement of training. What will you have to do here? Keep in mind that these are able to render you the best result in the least possible time. For this reason, if you have a keen desire to lose weight, you must concentrate on high impact aerobics. These include the exercises like lightweight, jogging, swimming and several others.

Do you now that the exercises of aerobics have their respective rules and regulations and also disciplines? If you do not know, learn it from now. It has been found that many people consider that the performers of the aerobics should always move ahead in slow pace. For this reason they start slow but also never accelerate their paces. They are found to remain in the same position and at the same speed throughout the program of training. This is a huge mistake and should never be done. On the contrary you must challenge your physical structure at each and every time. This ensures the development of the concerned individual.

On the other hand you have to keep changing the exercises. There is the need to have a lot of exercises always and you should change them nearly every week without fail. What can be the problem if the same exercises are continued? Before knowing this you should know that human bodies are slaves of habits and they become habituated with any notion or idea or process at an amazing speed. If this gets matured even for once, there is the need of an inhuman effort to distract it. The same problem is witnessed here also. You or the concerned individual's body will get used to the very work after a certain period of time. The result will be disastrous. There will be no prolific effect. This brings one to the conclusion that the exercises should be changed within each two weeks.

If you like you can also go for skipping ropes. Skipping ropes happen to be simply marvelous and is an absolute body workout. If you can practice this exercise for 15 minutes a day, you can get astonishing results. But this should be practiced consistently. You must practice this daily and then only you can identify the amazing pace of development. But you must also be careful. You should avoid this exercise if you are a heart patient. It may not be suitable for you. It can be fatal.

How to Lose Fat Quickly in 9 Days

Here's how to lose fat quickly... in 9 days or less. I'm going to share with you some minor adjustments you can make that get major results. Do these things and you really can't help but to lose weight.

Lose Fat Quickly in 9 Days

1. Eat fat to lose fat

You can do this in 2 easy ways. You can eat salmon which contains healthy omega 3 fats or you can take the supplement, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

Either way will give you healthy fats that your body is literally CRAVING for since your body is use to getting unhealthy fats. Healthy fats help to balance out your overall fat intake... which makes a major difference in regards to fat loss.

You get too many omega 6's and omega 9 unhealthy fats.

Listen, just make this minor adjustment to your diet and you will be rewarded more than you can believe. It doesn't seem like much, but the results show that it's a major change... although it's still a small change.

2. Do some uphill walking

You don't actually need to walk up a hill, you can use a treadmill that inclines. I'm not big on walking, but I'm a huge advocate of incline walking. Why? Results!

You get fast weight loss results with incline walking... you don't get fast results with normal flat surface walking. The best way to go about this is to incline a treadmill 15 degrees (or 20 degrees if you're ambitious). Then walk on it for 20-30 minutes. Do this 4 or maybe 5 days a week. Just a minor adjustment to typical walking yields big time weight loss results.

This is a great and easy way on how to lose fast quickly in 9 days or less.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Zone Diet Menu Plans - Find the Right Diet For You By Wendy Pan Platinum Quality Author

One of the most challenging aspects of staying on the zone diet is finding zone diet menu plans that accurately measure the proper ratios of protein, fat and carbohydrates, while keeping a zone diet diverse enough to remain interesting. Boredom with the Zone Diet is a major reason why people cannot stick to the plan.

The Elements of the Zone Diet

The zone diet is based on the principals of a 1:2:3 ratio of grams of fats to grams of proteins to grams of carbohydrates. The diet is balanced and avoids restricting any particular food group. The easy way to achieve the proper ratio is to fill one-third of your plate with low-fat protein. Then, fill two-thirds of a plate with acceptable carbohydrates, such as grains, fruits and vegetables. Then, a small portion of fat is added, and this is typically from olive oils, almonds, fish oils, avocados, as these are sources of "good" fats.

Snacks are also important to the zone diet. Snacks should also use the 1:2:3 ratio, but in much smaller portions than the meals. A typical snack would combine a small amount of protein, such as a piece of cheese, with a carbohydrate, such as grapes, and a few almonds for the grams of healthy fat.

It is also important on the zone diet to maintain regular eating habits, using 3 meals a day, and snacks at regular intervals. It is important that you eat shortly after waking up, and have a snack about 2 hours after breakfast, followed by lunch about 4 to 6 hours after the breakfast, and then have another snack 2 hours later. Dinner should occur about two hours after the afternoon snack, and then another snack should be eaten about 2 hours after dinner.

Creating Zone Diet Menu Plans

You need to shop and carefully plan meals out to incorporate enough variety that you do not become bored with the plan. If at almost every meal for a week, you find yourself eating chicken breast and salad with olives, you will lose interest in the zone diet. Snacks are also important to plan. If your snack each afternoon consists of almonds, string cheese and grapes, you will soon be searching for something to break your boredom and will cause you to stray from the zone diet.

Remember the diversity of food allowed on the zone diet, and try out new sources of protein. Instead of chicken breast every day, try out salmon or tofu. Try a different type of fruit, like raspberries or kiwi fruit. It also helps to get creative with recipes. Virtually any recipe can be adapted to fit the zone diet ratios. Several cookbooks have zone friendly diets that are very different than the usual turkey breasts and steamed asparagus meals that may have you in a rut. With some advanced planning, you can create a new and exciting zone diet menu plan that will keep you on track to your goals of weight loss and healthy living.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about zone diet menu plans, please visit Whats For Lunch Today for current articles and discussions.

3 Things You Need to Know About the Atkins Diet Before You Commit

The Atkins diet is very popular, but it also comes with a lot of criticism. Many experts believe that the Atkins Diet is dangerous, while some say that it is a healthy method to lose weight.

I want you to be informed before you commit yourself to any diet, including the Atkins.

So here are the top 3 criticisms of the Atkins Diet:

1. The Atkins diet focuses too much on food, and not enough on exercise

2. The Atkins diet is too high in fat

3. The Atkins diet is too hard to keep up in the long term

Many critics of the Atkins Diet say that it is too difficult to maintain. These same people will admit that Atkins is effective in short-term weight loss efforts, but strongly feel that the lifestyle is hard to maintain over time. However, there are many others who have successfully stuck to the plan over the long run. That's because the Atkins plan allows you to eat appetizing foods that other programs don't let you. This makes it easier to stick to long term.

Another big argument is the high fat content in the Atkins Diet. People don't realize that there is a difference between the "types" of fat the Atkins Diet proposes. Many people would rather eat "fat substitutes" and won't eat real butter or cream with their meals. However, those that are properly educated about the Atkins Diet know that the diet focuses on good fats, which are important to proper body and brain function.

Another popular Atkins criticism is that it focuses too much on food and not enough on exercise. It isn't widely known, but Dr. Atkins does preach the need for proper exercise. It just isn't emphasized in the media. Exercise is an integral part of any successful nutrition program and will greatly increase your weight loss efforts.

These are 3 things you need to consider before going on the Atkins Diet. It isn't for everyone, and you have to be educated before committing to any program.

About the Author:

Jessie Sanders is a natural foods/healthy living expert. After experiencing drastic health benefits from switching to a natural foods diet 5 years ago, Jessie is motivated to share this health regimen with the world in her free newsletter. If you are interested in learning more about a natural foods diet and its health benefits which include getting a healthy colon and losing excess fat, you can sign up for Jessie's free newsletter at her site,

Tips For Deciphering Lemonade Diet Instructions

Getting started with a new diet is never easy. Understanding the instructions for some plans alone can boggle the mind. If you're considering taking the plunge with Stanley Burroughs' weight loss program, you might need some tips for deciphering lemonade diet instructions.

To understand the instructions for the lemonade diet, it is helpful to have a holistic view of this plan. The diet calls for an almost complete fast over a 10-day period. During this time, users of the lemonade diet who follow instructions will only consume four set ingredients. These ingredients are lemon juice, cayenne pepper, water and maple syrup.

So, how does the lemonade diet translate into a plan people can use? Try these tips for understanding the instructions with relative success:

  • Tip one - Understand how the plan works - The lemonade diet is designed not only to help with weight loss, but also to detoxify the body. To achieve detoxification, dietary intake has to be limited. Thus, the four ingredients.
  • Tip two - Understand why detoxification appeals - Some people find that detoxifying their bodies of toxins and waste is an excellent way to help them feel better and shed pounds at the same time. The instructions for the lemonade diet call for the main four ingredients for a reason. They are designed to work together to help flush the body and rid it of unwanted junk and gunk.
  • Tip three - Understand why calories are so limited - While the instructions for the lemonade diet don't call for a pure fast, they do come close. The calories are limited in this plan to help the detoxification process work without completely starving the body in the process. This does help the diet fad appeal to some people because the sugar ups can help people get through the hunger pangs.
  • Tip four - Make sure you understand if the diet is right for you - Lemonade diet instructions are very basic, but quite rigid. To achieve the full effects, people must follow the diet for 10 days and they will need to ease back into eating. The reality is the lemonade diet can help with weight loss and it can flush out the system to an extent. The plan, however, is not for every dieter. Some people simply will not be able to stick with the instructions. Others will find the plan is just not medically safe for them.

If learning more about lemonade diet instructions is your plan, click here for further information about this program and how it can help you shed unsightly flab fast!

Frequent Dieting For Idiots

Fat loss for Idiots, also known as fat loss 4 idiots, is the new 'in' diet plan. The name is a tickler, but the plan is pretty smart and getting great reviews from all those who've tried it. Let's take a close look at the diet.

Fat loss for idiots is a caloric shifting diet that works by keeping the body guessing as to how many calories it will get in the next meal. Thus the body doesn't get a chance to slow down its metabolism rate. The diet also recommends that you take 6 short meals a day. What this 6 meal plan does for you is to keep your metabolism elevated. Generally after 3-4 hours of eating, the body's metabolism slows down and it goes into starvation mode. The 6 meal plan avoids this. Thus the active metabolism is able to burn greater calories. The diet plan is for 11 days and claims to cause a 9 pound weight loss. It allows for 3 cheat days between starting the diet all over again, and you can (sensibly) eat whatever you want in these cheat days.

Since this is a die program, what you eat is essential. The great thing about this diet plan is that it has an online diet generator that lets you make great diets both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. The diets that you can plan here are properly balanced to fulfill your nutritional requirements as and when they appear during the day.

Although the fat loss for idiots weight loss plan is basically for those who don't want to go the gym, it still recommends getting in a 30 minute activity daily to enhance your weight loss routine. The weight loss plan itself doesn't specify which routines you should and should not do, but those who are using the plan recommend that interval training like stationary bike or treadmill can help loose another 2-3 pounds. In addition interval training is great for loosing fat off the stomach and tightening body muscles.

Something you should know!

Despite the fact that the fat loss for idiots is getting great results, there are some facts that have to be kept in mind, just so you don't get disappointed.

1. The Human Body is Unique: not every body reacts to the same weight loss program in the same manner. Depending on your body type you may not loose the 9 pounds in the 11 days, on the other hand, just because of your body type; you may loose more than 9 pounds. So don't be worried, follow the diet with the moderation and commitment it asks for.

2. Exercise is Important: although the major focus of this diet is bringing about weight loss through dietary changes and nutritional caloric shifts, the best weight loss that leaves a good physical appearance behind is the one which is aided by exercise. The best way to enjoy your new found, less heavy self is to take up a nice fat burning aerobic activity or sport. This will ensure long-term weight maintenance.

3. Fruit day: weight loss for idiots has a fruit day. Even if you don't like fruit, stick it out for this day because you need the nutrients.

4. Water: the weight loss plan also calls for about an 8 glasses of water per day regime. Some people have reported that this is difficult for them to do. But the thing to remember is that this is a very healthy practice, you should be following this even when you're not dieting. The water intake will purify your body of toxins and give you great skin.

Why You Should Start Dieting NOW!

For what reasons should I start dieting?

Many people tried dieting, but fail, including ourselves. Results of dieting often show in the initial weeks (and rather amazing ones) but over time we gain back the original pounds lost or even more than before! This is a common scene and people often feel as if they are being laughed upon for dieting.

What is the cause of this? Even the most popular diets with excellent feedbacks, you will often find similar patterns observed as mentioned above. The reason is because most diets are essential to let you witness the results of weight loss for the first few weeks. Instead of losing fats, majority of these diets advised causes you to lose body fluids, and that is pretty dangerous! If you lose the continuity of this diet program, or that if you try a new diet, the body fluid returns and eventually converts into more fats. At this point of time, you will realize that the results sought after is totally unexpected and opposite from your initial goal of losing weight! By the end of the day, the only group of people who profits in this trade is the company who sells these dieting program and products.

To make dieting work, you would have to first find a set of diet plan which is suitable for your body. An adequate and appropriate diet would effectively help in weight loss. If not, you would realize that you are jumping trends to trends of dieting which never really work. If you insist on believing that these diets really work, it is equivalent to believing that money will come rolling in daily without you having to work!

Since it seems like dieting does not help at all, why believe in it? Well, the good thing about it is that once you discover your own diet that is appropriate for your own body, all you have to do is to keep on going and never give up. There are some people out there who have very full-proof diets for their body, but lost their motivation on the way, hence leading to their failure in their dieting journey. It is thus essential to work towards a definite goal with determination once you have set on dieting.

What I suggest you can help yourself stay on track is to weight yourself daily and record your weight in a little diary, as well as how you feel about it, as you look at yourself through the mirror. You may naturally feel a little depressed in the start, but it is perfectly fine. You would have to be unhappy about yourself well enough so that you would find the drive to change for the better. This experience would need to be as original, and true as possible. As it gets emotional, you would all the more want to change yourself. Since this would be your personal diary, it is encouraged that you should be honest about everything. If not, you would tend to find excuses and never achieve your goal.

You should now stop reading ... do this activity AT ONCE then come back to join me again.

Okay, so have you done what I say, truthfully?

It is now time to search for your very own reason that motivates you to lose weight. Write this heading on a fresh page:

Why should I start Dieting?

Now have a brainstorming session with yourself on why you want, or rather NEED to lose weight. It would be all the more useful if you get emotional about it.

The following is a list of motivational reasons shared by many people I have heard - this may give you some idea of what actually motivates you as well.

Issues relating to Self Confidence

I detest seeing myself in the mirror when everyone is pointing at me, my other half embarrassed of me being the heaviest person out there.. Some even thought I was pregnant, that I don't even feel at ease going to the beach. The seat belt in my car doesn't fit. My weight depresses me. She would reject me as her bridesmaid unless I go for some dieting program and go back to her in a more presentable figure for her wedding day.

Personal/ Health related

My weight causes me problems in my back. I sweat very often, more than I should feel tired. My feet are swollen and this obstructs me from playing with the kids as I would feel worn out easily. I would always have to buy clothes that are bigger than the common sizes. I have wobbly inner thighs and it makes dressing difficult. I cannot balance myself as I walk.

Family / Genetics

Obesity is inheritable (but it is WITHIN YOUR ABILITY to stop the fashion!) My children also suffer the same weight problems as me.


Because of the way I look, no one wants to date me. My partner ditched me. My partner is always trying to hint that I should lose weight. My partner is losing confidence in me due to my lack of sex drive.

By now you should have came up with your very own list of motivations for losing weight. Check those that are applicable to you from the above examples, and add 3 more new reasons not stated. Do this now. Acting at once is essential. If you don't start now, you aren't showing sincerity but merely letting time while away.

Please realize that improvement starts at this point in time, within your immediate control. Your future starts TODAY. YOU have the control over your own tomorrow.

Keep the drive and start getting rid of the fat! is a blog for anyone who wants to learn how to loss weight and are looking for people to share it with.

Find reviews, information, and bargains on weight loss diet and exercise programs throughout the blog and our specialized store.

Medicare Benefits and Costs

Medicare is an insurance program that is offered to some Americans and funded and, in most cases, administered, by the Federal Government. There are over forty million Americans that currently use this social insurance program and this figure is expected to nearly double over the next twenty years.

While funded by the federal government, part of the money that funds this program is raised by income taxes. The employer and the employee both pay half of the amount and this comes to around 3% of a persons income, with the employee paying 1.5% and the employer matching this amount. People that are self employed must pay the entire 3%, but they can claim half of this on their taxes.

This social insurance program is divided into several parts. Part A benefits include things like stays at hospitals and nursing homes. Part B benefits cover services like x-rays, ambulance trips, and dialysis. Included in Part B benefits is the coverage of durable medical equipment, which includes things like adjustable beds and wheelchairs.

Those that are on Medicare are also required to pay deductibles and monthly or yearly premiums to receive coverage. If a person, or their spouse, has paid Medicare taxes for at least 40 quarters, then they will typically not have to pay any monthly or annual premiums to receive Part A benefits. Otherwise, they will have to pay between $200 and $425 depending on how many taxable quarters they, or their souse, has worked. However, even if they do not have to make any monthly payments, the insured is still required to pay a deductible for most services. For example for a hospital stay of less than sixty days, there is a deductible of about $1000. After that, there is a deductible of about $250 per day.

While many people end up not having to pay any premium to receive Part A benefits, there is a premium to receive Part B benefits. Usually this is around $100 per month, but this figure can vary based on a persons income. The insured must also pay a deductible to receive these benefits. For Durable medical equipment, the insured is usually responsible for around 20% of the total cost of the piece of equipment.

The original Medicare Bill, which became law during the sixties, outlined only Part A and Part B benefits, but 1997 a new part was added. This is referred to as Part C benefits or Medicare Advantage Plans. Part C allows those that are eligible to receive Medicare benefits, to use private insurance companies instead of the federally run program. These programs are administered by private insurance companies, but are still required to offer the same benefits offered by traditional Medicare. The private companies are given a good deal of leeway in deciding how to offer these benefits, and as a result there are differences in the cost of these plans. Since these plans can vary, make sure that you fully read and understand the plan, in addition to comparing it to other plans and traditional Medicare.

A few years ago, in 2006, there was another change to Medicare, which added coverage for Prescription medicine. This is usually referred to as Part D of Medicare and, while it is rather inclusive, it does not cover all types of medicine. Medicines that are not covered include most controlled substances, although over the next few years, some controlled substances are set to be covered.

Sam Tarwell is knowledgeable about Medicare and many other health related topics. Recently, due to changes in legislation, several changes have been made that affects those that are insured by this program and how doctors are reimbursed. This program is called the Medicare Patient and Providers Act and also makes changes Medicare Advantage Plans. To learn more about these changes, how durable medical equipment covered, or many other health related issues, visit Lift Chair Guide.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to Start a Natural Bodybuilding Diet by Ricardo d Argence

Body building is a present day hobby of youths and hence they try the exercise without giving proper attention to food habits. Beginners think that by eating everything in sight and tryhing to lift the heaviest weights possible will help them to bulk up which is the greatest myths in body building. This of course is completely untrue. To build muscle mass correctly, adhere to proper bodybuilding excercises and maintain a bodybuilding diet.

Not only will a natural bodybuilding diet make your body healthy and strong, but it also will help you perform better at the gym and at your job, and enhance your quality of life.

In order to have an effective natural body building diet, you must increase your intake of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This is contrary to popular beliefs. In order to build muslce, you need to increase the size of your breakfasts and post-workout snacks. This is when your body is best able to absorb the nutrients.

Ingesting several meals over the course of the day, typically spread out every 3 hours, are common in bodybuilding diets. Your body wants to be full with a regular entry of amino acids, carbohydrates and good quality fats so as to restore and develop muscle tissue and give you with power.

Small meals throughout the day are an ideal strategy for a natural bodybuilding diet. Farewell, adieu, auf wiedersehen, big breakfast, big lunch, bigger dinner. This will not do anything but weigh you down and exhaust you, and cheer harmful snacking.

It is extremely important to eat nutritional food because it helps a lot in burning your caloriesand also builds your muscles. To build up your muscle mass, you are suppose to take eighteen calories per lb of B.W. Avoid foods that are high in sugar or highly processed. Make a point of consuming 1 gram of protein, per lean pound of body weight, per day.

Overall natural body building diets do not require the use of supplements. The ideal supplement to use should include essential vitamins, minerals, and be made with natural products.

If the basic principals of natural body building diet are followed your workout routine will hugely benefit and your gains will be bigger and better.

Slow and steady would lead to balanced bodybuilding as it would mean doing the common fundamental workout while avoiding harmful excess training.

Once a week, each muscle should be exercised. It will not be beneficial for your body if you exercise the same muscle again in a week rather than working on a different muscle. Adopting natural body building and giving it your best shot is the best way to get success.